People always ask me why I post MUNG’s posts. I really don’t have an answer for this – I just do it. I don’t even read what he writes, and this is an example of my horrible editorial decisions….
Hey everybody! My name is Bill Maher and I am the world’s largest bag of douche. I am a bag of vaginal discharge that has been cleaned out by using a turkey baster filled with vinegar and water. I used to have a television show but it got taken off the air because I said politically incorrect things about the president of the United States of America. Now I have to get attention by making fun of dead people’s tragic mishaps and disrespecting an entire nation of decent Australian people because my career is fucking dead. Please shit on me and throw hot tar on my face because I suck donkey dick on stage to pay for my heroin habit. I also fuck little leppar Somalian children in the ass while I let 90 year old grandmothers fellate me. Once again, I ask of you to defecate on me and if you feel the need to, please pull this fake barb out of my chest and jab it repeatedly into both of my eyes.
P.S. American Pie guy dressed as a Pizza…your costume sucks more than your career
And now more Mariah pics….
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