I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Brittany Murphey Trying to Class her Trashy Self Up of the Day


I just took public transportation… I never take public transportation…not because I am too rich and luxurious for public transportation….especially since I had to borrow my fare from the local drunk who I bumped into on my way to the station. The main reason I never use public transportation is because I got no where to go and if I did have somewhere to go, I would rather not go there while being rammed into a train with old people, ugly people, crazy people, curry smelling immigrants and poor people. It’s not I think I am abovbe them, it’s that I am disgusted by them.

Speaking of disgusted by public transport, I gave the dude in the kiosk my $4.00 to get on the train, only after hearing dude ask the maintenance man for more toilet paper for what’s got to be the grimiest bathroom. So when dude handed me my $1.50 change with his shit covered hands from running out of toilet paper a few minutes earlier in what has to be the grimiest bathroom around, I took it with a smile, I am in no position to walk away from my shit covered change but with that I was…now all I smell is the shit radiating out of my pocket from where my money is, but just remember thed I haven’t changed my underwear this week.

Speaking of shit, here’s some pics of Brittany Murphey pretending she’s not a piece of shit….

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