I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Guys Hugging in a Bar of the Day

Someone sent in a complaint about how I stopped producing my shitty stepTV clips. I assume she either missed the messages to Lohan or watching stepSTEVE lick whipped cream off some dirty girl from Boston. So I went ahead and edited stepfather titles to a video some dude sent into me, because it’s nice to take credit for other people’s work. The reality is that I took this video, but the dude doing the hugging was pretty fucking big and I’d hate for him to recognize me after all 3 of you click this video, humiliating him on the internet. I am not really in the blogging mood, but I have lots of funny still left in me, I just forgot to put it in this clip. I just need to get a coffee and some lunch cuz I am hung over. Enjoy. Cuddles. And girls…send in some bikini pics info@drunkenstepfather.com…I am bored and want to rate your body cuz it’s a little less gay than this video.

It’s glitching and I don’t know how to fix it…but I am really glad I spent 3 hours on this piece of shit that isn’t even funny….

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