I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie Publicity Stunt of the Day


There are pics of Paris and Nicole doing some sort of publicity stunt with some DJ AM looking piece of shit in a Santa Outfit. I find this so fucking obnoxious, but I am no authority on this kind of shit because if I was, I would probably be the one being written about, not doing the one doing the writing, provided you call this writing…..Either way, these girls are dirtbags and have banged a whole lot of men, and since they are famous, that means they don’t use condoms and with no condoms comes HPV.

Speaking of HPV, I went to the strippers last night and this is my conversation with one of the strippers who sat with me:

me – Can you get HPV from the Pole?

her – What’s HPV?

me – Genital Warts

her – Oh yeah, I get those all the time….

me – Nice, because if 80% of people have HPV, it’ the other 20% you want to stay away from cuz they are the minority, and you know what minority means…BAD….HPV is like designer jeans, where bitches are all like “what do you mean you passed you’re pap, that’s so lame, it’s all about pre-cancerous cells in your cervix these days, like get with it”……..

her – So do you want a dance?

me – Oh, I have no money, I probably should have told you that before you sat down.

And then she walked away…Here are the Christmas Pics, So get in the Christmas Spirit. Fuckers.

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