Here are some older pictures of Abi Titmuss in her bikini. I am posting them because I don’t know what to do with myself now that my website is down. I went out last night and got wasted, really wasted, and really really wasted. I don’t remember much but I did end up winning money in a slot machine that I used to get myself even more drunk. I am sure funny things happened to me throughout the night, but I can’t think of them right now, and my site isn’t working so I am too busy crying to type.
Speaking of crying, I saw this dude walking down the street the other day and I can only assume it’s got some sort of middle eastern point to it, either way it’s more interesting than lookin at old pics of some slag in a bikini.
Here are those pics of Abi Titmuss in her bikini from god knows when lookin’ fat because I know that’s all you are here for.
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