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I am – Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Fat Fuckin’ Ass of the Day


I am an asshole and I love when this kinda of thing happens to a person. If you’re not sure what I am talking to, refer to her fucking huge ass in these bikini pictures and try not to laugh because there was a time when Jennifer Love Hewitt was this young hot thing everyone wanted to fuck except me. I couldn’t stand her face, she reminded me of a rat and I only fuck rats if they take me out to dinner and never on the first date. That’d make me a slut. I don’t know what I am talking about but I’ll admit she had this hot tight tiny body with huge tits that kinda made her easier to stomach, but I always knew that shit was it was only a matter of time before her ass caught up with her tits. At 18 years old she was at her prime, everything was in the right place and she probably felt like she was the hottest thing in the world, now take a look at her…..she’s in desperate need of an eating disorder.

I guess that’s one of the good things about not being 18 anymore. I know that I turn out to be a homeless dirty fat motherfucker with a shitty website, but at 18 it can really go any direction for you. You may end up fat and washed up by 30, you may become goodlooking when you grow into yourself, you may become a millionaire or you could even end up dead from a drug overdose.
Isn’t the future exciting?

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Jennifer Love Hewitt in a Bikini Before She Got Fat

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