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Katie Price Jordan in a See Through Beater With Her New Tits of the Day

Jordan has a new set of tits and these are them. They still look retardedly fake but they are just a lot smaller than her ridiculous sized tits but still ridiculous sized compared to the rest of the fucking world. She’s not wearing a bra because she’s put so much money into her tits that

In these pictures and I saw some nipple, not that it really impressed me because nipples don’t really impress me and it’s not like seeing nipple I want to see, it’s more like nipple I’ve already seen before more than enough times. What does impress me is what her nipples say about modern science because it is amazing that she’s still got nipples, You’d think those fuckers would have got pretty beat up along their journey living on Jordan’s tit. It’s probably a little more exciting than the life of other nipples who only have stories of being sucked or played with, while Jordan’s nipples are like the Christopher Columbus or First Man on the Moon of nipples, nipples that other nipples tell stories about at dinner and ask for autographs from when they meet them because they just don’t believe all the mystical stories until actually being areola to areola with them….

Either way, it’s good to know that money is being put into breast augmentation research when people are dying of serious terminal illness. It’s nice to see people have their priorities straight while driving their luxury cars and floating around in their infinity pools before spending the day at the spa and shopping for 800 dollar hand cream. Assholes.]

Posted in:Jordan|Katie Price