I'll Make You Famous…




Three Year Old Shaking Her Money Maker of the Day

I don’t know if you’re ever too young to booty dance, but this video makes me wonder even though I think it’s just a harmless video of a 3 year old. But I do remember going to some free concert last summer and saw a group of 11 year olds pulling their shirts up and grinding each other and that’s something I blamed on hormones in the food, hip hop videos, Paris Hilton and slutty parents who taught these girls their moves when they should have been teaching them about the God or playing with dolls.

Maybe the parents are just opportunists and figure that if their kids start young, they grow up to be the best stripper in the club, or will have an easier time getting knocked up by a rich dude or fucking her way to the top, kinda like how my friend put his kid in soccer hoping dude would go pro and fuck Victoria Beckham when he grows up because the dad never had the chance to live the dream, but now can do it vicariously. I am hung over.

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