I saw this shit on PerezHilton or something over the weekend and figured I’d post it because posting pictures is so much uploading and cropping and causes such an annoying uprising with the Paparazzi Agencies, doesn’t mean I am not going to post images, just means I am lazy right now and posting this.
It is Taylor Swift singing some Rihanna “Take a Bow” shit and it’s clearing in reference to getting dumped by the Jonas brother who she pretends she didn’t suck off, because he cheated on her with the other Jonas brother. The ones who pretend to be wholesome are the ones paying hookers to shove live ferrets in their asses while fucking a fake vagina they made out of deli meat and cardboard.
I figured this video won’t turn you on, but go to 3 minutes 45, she talks about being 11 and I know you’re so down with that. Weirdo.
Posted in:Rihanna Cover|Taylor Swift