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Hayden Panettiere’s Ass on Set of the Day

Hayden Panettiere brought her short legs and big ass to the set of Heroes, I guess because it goes wherever she goes, you know, with it being part of her and all, and some of you will find it hot, because you are gay. She’s built like a football player, has legs of a speed skater, and a big head like a midget, but for some reason, guys everywhere love her. Maybe it’s the media attention that she gets, maybe you’re influenced by your gay friend, like I was that one time, that ended in humiliation and a hospital visit, who would have thought betting I could get more pool balls in my ass than him would have lead to such pain, I mean they went in so fuckin’ easily, and gravity was on my side, but yeah, that’s got nothing to do with Hayden Panettiere or your sexuality’s identity crisis, because she’s a little more dude than most of Hollywood, including a lot of the men, enjoy it while you can, because until pictures of her cock surface, you’re in the clear, sure I consider you on the fence, but who really cares what I think…..no one is the answer to that question in case you were wondering…

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