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The Paula Abdul Killed Her Fan Who Had Hot Tits of the Day

You know the story, some crazy Paula Abdul fan named Paula was found dead after taking prescription pills, in front of Paula Abdul’s house. I mean this story screams all kinds of crazy, considering Paula Abdul hasn’t had a fan in decades.

When I first heard the person had tried out to be on the show, I assumed it was William Hung, because the mockery they made out of him and his obvious virginity, coupled with Paula Abdul being the only woman who wasn’t his mother talking to him, could generate some unhealthy obsessions….I mean half of the 5 people who come to this site are socially awkward virgins, lookin’ for the celebrity slut they think they are married to…

Either way, it wasn’t William hung, it was some big titty girl and I think Paula Abdul killed her, after watching that video, her idol rejected her. That’s something that could seriously destroy a crazy person who has an unnatural obsession with the person rejecting her. It’s like this video was the day the dreams ended and for the rest of her time, she just though about those painful words out of Paula Abdul’s mouth….I mean not to mention the fact that she had to live with being obsessed over Paula Abdul, probably one of the most depressing “celebrities” to be obsessed over, if I couldn’t get Paula out of my mind, I’d find out where she lived too, and offed myself to give her nightmares as payback for the nightmare that was my obsession I couldn’t escape……

It’s all too bad, because Paula and her could have had some good times together, they could have been BFFs, they both like getting fucked up, they both can’t sing and they both look like clowns while making fools of themselves on TV…..you’ve probably seen this video, it’s old news, I know, 24 hours is a long time on the internet….

The real tragedy was that is was such waste of tits…

Posted in:Paula Abdul|stalker|Tits