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Archive for the Paula Abdul Category




Paula Abdul in Stockings of the Day

I hate when I think of something and then I see ads of it, like i am in a simulation or my mind is chipped….since I am sure I am not clairvoyant….and these are ads of products I haven’t googled, or said out loud…STRAIGHT FROM THE BRAIN…to the computer…fucked up…

Well about a week ago, while singing “Opposites Attract” to my alternate personality, I asked myself where Paula Abdul was….since I know she’s not dead but she might as well be now that she’s not making bad 80s pop music, choreographing dances for other popstars, or being medicated as fuck on American idol…it’s like she doesn’t exist….

I forgot that I even thought of Paula Abdul by the time I got on the computer, so I didn’t check out her instagram because ultimately who cares about Paula Abdul, she was basically forgotten before the first season of American Idol and even when they chose her as a judge it was weird because of her lack of relevance….so hosting some show that’s been milked harder than Chrissy Teigen is milking her dead baby for adrenochrome…it makes sense she’d basically evaporate….but this is the era of not letting anyone die off into obscurity…keep them around, let them build their audience and platform to bore us…and in still existing she’s done this old lady shoot in some slutty enough for an old lady lingerie…I mean she must be 80 by now…and still a tight little package…weird.


Posted in:Paula Abdul




Paula Abdul Gets Puked on So You Think You Can Dance of the Day


If you watch this young girl for about a minute, you’ll see a girl throw up on Paula Abdul…which may represent you current mood, it represents my current mood..and the Paula Abdul didn’t know how to deal with it, not because she’s famous and doesn’t get puked on but because she is the one who is normally throwing up. All those meds…all that booze…you know…life..

Posted in:Paula Abdul|SFW




Paula Abdul See Through Shirt of the Day

You can see Paula Abdul’s bra – or a shirt made to look like a bra – and it really isn’t exciting – cuz this is Paula Abdul, who fucking cares…

I’m only interested if bitch walks out completely naked medicated and drunk as fuck, slurring her words while asking for a pretzel as she fingers her asshole begging for some pills in exchange for sex…and that’s not happening…even though she’s crazy enough for it to happen…

I mean, I guess these will work if you’re into chimp lookin’ bitches – in which case you may want to get a job volunteering at the zoo – cuz chimps are probably easier to manage and more accessible than the people who look like them

Not that it matters…

Posted in:Paula Abdul




Paula Abdul’s Cleavage is as Crazy as Her of the Day

It is unfortunate that Paula Abdul got fired from American Idol because she was the only thing worth watching on the show. I’d go over to friend’s houses and put the shit on mute until the Paula had her time to speak and some of the craziest drugged up shit would come out of her mouth all while showing off her great big tits. We’d all love the clips during a performance when the camera would focus on her and her tits really in the moment, especially when dudes who made her wet were singing and now all that is gone. She’s been replaced by a lesbian we already have to deal with on the daily, who’s quirky behavior is far from funny or cute or arrousing or even crazy, shit’s just fucking boring and I hope they realize that Paula was the thread that bound the show together and it all comes crashing down….because Idol without Paula is like my gay fantasies without Seacrest…..I mean….it just doesn’t make fucking sense….

Here is Paula from teh other day showing off her cleavage that is as crazy as her…..

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:cleavage|Paula Abdul




Paula Abdul Weirdness of the Day

Here’s a weird fucking interview with Paula Abdul on the street outside of some Hollywood hotspot, where the paparazzi ask her question like if she eats fish to get pregnant, then they talk about Zac Effron and shit ends with her saying that the 3 original idol judges are the like the Three Mouseketeers, that’s when I was about to stop listening, but Paula brought out a team of dancers to do some dance on the street and the whole thing makes me uncomfortable, but that’s just because I only really connect with tap dancing alone and this choreographed shit is just way too homo and happy for me. Either way, there are no tits in this shit, but there is a drunk or medicated bitch strugglin to get into a Range Rover and that is always fucking sexy. I just can’t quite figure out how this girl gets through life….

Posted in:Interview|Paula Abdul|Weird




Paula Abdul Craziness on Letterman of the Day

Here’s some Paula Abdul craziness, because since that stalker killed herself in front of her house, Paula’s been jacked on more meds to deal with the pain than usual.

I love the way she keeps the Christmas spirit alive in a Latex Toy Soldier costume and militant walk and dance, makes me want to get a job working as a mall Santa, but not as much as I love when Dave starts drilling her about this stalker business, saying he should sue the stalker, probably not knowing the stalker killed herself, and Paula acts all kinds of fucking crazy stands up and tries to leave because she clearly has a lot of trouble dealing with things, like speaking. It’s hard after downing all them pills….

I heard she’s not sleeping in her house because she thinks it’s haunted and is putting it up for sale at a discount to get it off her hands, and since I am not a weak, rich, coddled little ex-popstar medicated baby with stalkers, I can’t really relate, but I do know some dude had an overdose in my hallway last week and I had to walk by his dead body to walk the dog when the paramedics were just getting there, and I did have to wrestle the dog off of him when he started trying to lick at his dead face because I don’t want dead druggy germs getting on my little fucker so I guess it’s kinda the same thing….or maybe it isn’t at all, but bitch needs to follow her face and body and grow the fuck up.

Stalkers killing themselves outside your house on the street isn’t a big fucking deal, people die outside my house every day, they are crazy people except for the one girl who was a rape victim, but I’m not talking about her, and I am not getting everyone to feel sorry for me. Abdul is too rich to care about the commoners so she needs to get the fuck over herself, stop being so fucking fragile.

Either way, I think this 1970 quality video is a good way to start the day a and that’s all that matters homeboy.

Posted in:Crazy|Letterman|Paula Abdul




The Paula Abdul Killed Her Fan Who Had Hot Tits of the Day

You know the story, some crazy Paula Abdul fan named Paula was found dead after taking prescription pills, in front of Paula Abdul’s house. I mean this story screams all kinds of crazy, considering Paula Abdul hasn’t had a fan in decades.

When I first heard the person had tried out to be on the show, I assumed it was William Hung, because the mockery they made out of him and his obvious virginity, coupled with Paula Abdul being the only woman who wasn’t his mother talking to him, could generate some unhealthy obsessions….I mean half of the 5 people who come to this site are socially awkward virgins, lookin’ for the celebrity slut they think they are married to…

Either way, it wasn’t William hung, it was some big titty girl and I think Paula Abdul killed her, after watching that video, her idol rejected her. That’s something that could seriously destroy a crazy person who has an unnatural obsession with the person rejecting her. It’s like this video was the day the dreams ended and for the rest of her time, she just though about those painful words out of Paula Abdul’s mouth….I mean not to mention the fact that she had to live with being obsessed over Paula Abdul, probably one of the most depressing “celebrities” to be obsessed over, if I couldn’t get Paula out of my mind, I’d find out where she lived too, and offed myself to give her nightmares as payback for the nightmare that was my obsession I couldn’t escape……

It’s all too bad, because Paula and her could have had some good times together, they could have been BFFs, they both like getting fucked up, they both can’t sing and they both look like clowns while making fools of themselves on TV…..you’ve probably seen this video, it’s old news, I know, 24 hours is a long time on the internet….

The real tragedy was that is was such waste of tits…

Posted in:Paula Abdul|stalker|Tits




Paula Abdul Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow at the Superbowl of the Day

Here is Randy Jackson taking advantage of a mentally unstable Paula Abdul and convincing her to perform on his new record because he needs all the help he can get and Paula doesn’t really know what day it is so when Randy gave her the lyrics and showed her the dance moves her glazed over eyes lit up and this lip syncing kicked in and this is the miserable outcome.

Posted in:Paula Abdul|Performance|Superbowl