I'll Make You Famous…




Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi Video of the Day

It is no surprise the Gaga is making ou in the beginning of her video because paying a dude is really the only way I can imagine anyone making out with her weak chin, big nosed, monkey lookin’face. The fact that they are specking in some obscure language makes the whole thing more fucking annoying, but seeing her get killed made me cum.

Either way, you all know I hate Gaga. She’s a fake who is biting what the real electro-pop kids are doing in the art scene in New York, and the lies she says about having a performing arts show and being in the scene, is hysterical, because I’ve asked people and no one knows who she is or had ever heard of her, because she’s the kind of girl who no one fucking notices and no one cares about, until a heavy marketing budget gets pumped into her fat ass. Fuck her. Fuck her music. Fuck this video, even though the director killed it, but Gaga ruined it by being in it and by having a career.

Posted in:Lady Gaga|Paparazzi