Lindsay Lohan is a fucking star. I don’t care what all the haters say, because I got a feeling she’s going back to the top, as soon as she drops the latch on that is her DJ girlfriend who is bringing her the fuck down and distracting her from making magic. I mean Samantha Ronson seems harmless and all, but she’s not an idiot, if there’s no Lindsay Lohan running to her house everynight, the DJ gigs, the paparazzi, and pretty much everything she’s worked towards the last 3 years brainwashing Lindsay will go to fuckin’ shit.
I got an email from some asshole who didn’t understand why I give Lohan so much praise, or why I say she’s hot, and I think the reason is because she is.
I’m so smitten on this bitch that I even planned a big birthday celebration for her last year, where I was gonna jump out of a cake, but she didn’t show up, which is probably a good thing, because it got pretty weird pretty fast, since I couldn’t afford a real cake and jumping out of a twinkie is pretty impossible, and smearking it all over myself in my bedroom while crying just wasn’t a good look, you know, not my proudest moment.
Here are some pics of Lohan, to remind us all of a brighter tomorrow.
Posted in:Ass|Lindsay Lohan