I'll Make You Famous…




Annalynne McCord and Her Sister Flash Nipple in a Bikini of the Day

NIPPPLES!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!! NIPPLLES!!!!!! I am freaking the fuck out here cuz I see fucking NIPPLES…..and I love FUCKING nipples, even when the NIPPLES belong to useless, barely famous, pieces of shit attention whore cunts…like the McCord sisters….

I am only posting these pictures cuz bitch is in a bikini and I love when bitches get in fucking bikinis, especially when the paparazzi think they are important enough to take pictures of, even if they aren’t important at all and as far as I am concerned Annalynne McCord is a fucking nobody and the fact that I know her or her latch on sister’s name is more of a joke than anything….

See I get the bitch is on a TV show that will be off the air soon as fuck and I get she milked her fame by doing staged bikini pics like this to stay relevant and all that other textbook shit for someone with no real talent or vision, but I don’t get how her sister worked herself into the equation and how her sister is more famous than her, when her sister actually does nothing…

See I get that her only friend is her sister because everyone else can’t fucking stand her.. and that her sister wants to ride the celebrity wave as much as she can but I don’t get why Annalynne McCord is known, so it is beyond me why her sister is…

It’s like if Annalynne is not famous enough for people to care who she is or what she is doing cuz she is only on a stupid show no one watches…so her sister is even less relevant than the irrelevant….and I guess the sister is just the sacrificial lamb Annalynne uses to get noticed in a “Show your nipple or I am sending you back to mom and dad in the small down we are from…show your nipple or your lifeline is fucking cut, cunt”….kinda way…

This makes me lose all confidence in the whole hollywood celebrity game…not that I had any confidence in it…but I am just trying to make a point and that point is that I like bitches in bikinis, whether they are worth looking at in bikinis or not…whether they are a somebody or a nobody, whether they are my neighbor’s 18 year old daughter and her friends this past weekend or not, whether the bitch on TV, or a bitch who doesn’t deserve to be on TV but there’s a lot of TV programming hours to fill with all those cable channels that pretty much anyone can make it….or not…

Here are Annalynne and Angel McCord polluting our lives more than they already have…with their retarded looking faces…..showing off some nipple…trading bikinis and doing what it takes to get noticed…

Wow…that was a long post and I have no idea why…

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Annalynne McCord


