I'll Make You Famous…




Blake Lively on Set of the Day

I don’t know what Blake Lively is doing, but she’s doing it right. She’s finally getting noticed and unfortunately hasn’t done it by getting fucked by a black dude on camera….

This makes me feel torn cuz I hate the bitch and before this hustle, I’ve never taken the time to question why I hate her, I just hated her for no reason other than the fact that she’s on TV and I am judgemental and hate her,…It’s not cuz she’s done anything to make me hate her, or that she’s even annoying in her celebrity and is really just cuz I hate everyone, not just chicks I want to fuck but can’t cuz they don’t know I exist…..I guess it’s just my nature to be a bitter, negative, boring and reptitive fuck, and maybe I should change my tune and start praising pussy, instead of shitting on it, but shitting on pussy is one of my fetishes…..and this way I get to do it without all the disgusting smells….

Posted in:Blake Liverly