I'll Make You Famous…




Katy Perry Tits Have an International Performance of the Day

Katy Perry took her stupid tits, awkward body, weak talent and stage presence to Germany, because she’s an international con artist….and I figured I’d post the video to start the day, cuz her tits, despite being attached to such a huge cunt, are worth staring at, I mean that and her ability to suck the right cock are the reason she’s here and the worst thing in all this is that I like the fact she’s wearing a leotard, when really I should only like seeing her lifeless body is hanging from her closet from her leotard when she comes to terms with being such a fucking lie and does something about it…but then again, that would be giving her credit for having more substance and worldly concern…when really she’s just a vapid twat riding the fame wave as far as it will take her.

Here are some pictures of the dumpy body wrapped up tight during her performance….

Posted in:Katy Perry