I'll Make You Famous…




Rihanna’s Clown Tits of the Day

I am really not feeling this Rihanna shit It has nothing to do with her stupid fucking hair…It’s gotta do with the whole fucking package being some played out trash I can’t fucking stand and that I hope disappears…I am almost pissed off that I actually thought she was worth a solid fuck for a while. I used to big her up during my black girl fetish as some real deal caribbean pussy I wanted to get up inside, but then she ratted out Chris Brown for publicity, when we all know she can take a fucking hit that she instigated cuz of her jealousy….then I found out she launched her career cuz she was fucking some record exec on Vacation in Barbados when she was 14 or 15….then I listened to her shitty brainwashing pop music that sucks and it all started making sense to me…I need to avoid all things Rihanna because I got sucked into the marketing bullshit everyone else was sucked into…They almost got me…but I saved myself…

Here are her tits in some bikini lookin’ top….

Here are her fat legs in Shorts as a Little Bonus That’s Not Really a Bonus…..unless you’re a Rihanna fan and love every pound of her disgusting trashniness….

Remember – Like This – I Need all The Help I Can Get

Posted in:Rihanna