I'll Make You Famous…




Sarah Jessica Parker is the Fucking Devil of the Day

She doesn’t look like a beast, she looks like The Beast….There is no way this is human. It’s gotta be a monster…I’ve seen horror movies that are modeled off faces like this…I can tellin her eyes that she has no soul…but that she’s been sent to confuse women into thinking people care about ugly bitches having sex..when really the show shoulda been called ugly bitches pretending to be gay men…cuz shit was fantasy written by a group of faggots…and all the fag hags bought into it…

Now we’ve got all these bitches running around, ugly and empowered in expensive clothes drinking obnoxious cocktails, fucking random men until they are too old to breed, fucking up the nature’s course…when really they should be left in the fucking barn taking their master’s orders like they were supposed to….

Seriously…I can’t believe they make vagina that looks like this…but more importantly…I can’t believe they give vagina that looks like this work in movies….especially not as the figurehead to a women’s sexual revolution…like some kind of horrible fucking nightmare….

This is all way to asymmetrical for me….I don’t even know why I am posting this farm animal in a tight dress..

Posted in:Sarah Jessica Parker