I'll Make You Famous…




Maria Kanellis in a Bikini for her Perfume of the Day

I got a press release for Maria Kanellis’ upcoming perfume line and I had no fucking idea who Maria Kanellis was…but appreciated the fact that the she figured promoting the perfume in her bikini was a better approach than some other more relevant way…cuz being in a bikini gets you noticed, people talk about it, and it wins pervert guys who love bitches in bikinis over, especially when there’s no specific reason for this, other than just being in a bikini…

It’s like her genius marketing people were like “so we’ve got a perfume to sell…put her in a bikini”, “we’ve go a car to sell…put her in a bikini ” we’ve got girl scout cookies to sell…put her in a bikini”….

The understand we are mindless and bikini is all we need.

Either way, apparently she’s some Former WWE DIVA and was a contestent on Celebrity Apprentice….and apparently these pics are unedited…if they weren’t shot from such obscure angles…I’d be able to tell you if that’s a good thing or not..


Posted in:Maria Kanellis