I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Bloated Face, Leather Shorts of the Day

I am not sure what’s going on with Miley. One one hand she’s wearing a pair of leather shorts over pantyhose like she’s the Asian girl I enjoyed watchinkg walk down the street…and on the other hand…her face is bloated as fuck. I’m wondering if it’s from over-eating…you know one too many millions of milkshakes to satisfy her broken home she blames herself for….you know emotionally sucking that shit down like my pig wife…or maybe it’s from dental surgery, but there’s no fun in that….so I’ll just think it’s from aging badly, you know her head just keeps growing and growing until puberty closes out, or even better that she’s just addicted to meds or drugs that make her swell…like cocaine or anti depressenants…I guess it could always be a medical condition…who fucking knows…maybe you have a better idea of what’s going on, I just know that at 18, she turned boring…I’m ready for an official breakdown…It’ll happen…I can tell…

On a sidenote, I’d totally fuck her mom’s groupie pussy if I was Billy Ray too….but I’d never fall in love with a groupie, cuz it’s their nature to move onto more important people….and when you’re Billy Ray, that’s an easy thing to have happen…not that I have those problems…considering the last thing I had sex with was expired luncheon meat…I have no standards….I have no shame…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus