I'll Make You Famous…




Salma Hayek Mom Tits at a Premiere and Tight Dress fro Letterman of the Day

We’ve all either been to a shitty resort where we’ve spent more time on the toilet after drinking the water or eating the vegetables or eaten bad mexican….where we’ve spent more time on the toilet the next couple days, begging for God to take our lives, only to realize there is no god…..

And what it comes down to is that I would eat the food poisoning Mexican shit directly from Salma Hayek’s asshole…because she’s just that good….

We’ve had years of wanting to fuck her that developed a comfort in this one sided relationship that I think I’m ready to take the next step in the fantasy, to incorporate scat…cuz she is just that good….

She also did Letterman…in a tight dress with a push up bra and some spanx and it looked fucking incredible…Viva Mexico…

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