I'll Make You Famous…




Agent Provocateur Does Halloween with Lingerie Wearing Vampire of the Day

Agent Provocateur usually makes decent choices in their promo videos…I mean their luxury lingerie is so hot in terms of design that it’s almost impossible for any of their promo videos to be hot…except when they made the weird decision of hiring Maggie Gyllenhaal to be there face…a decision called dude was either bribed, or had a weird fetish of his own…cuz seriously, even in secretary, where bitch plays and submissive who pisses herself, I can barely jerk off to her, and that’s saying something bad about her, cuz I can jerk off to anything, even inanimate objects that resemble breast or pussy…

Either way, they are channeling some vampire shit in some well produced, girl in lingerie, high brow fashion video you should try to jerk off to cuz it may make you feel classy….

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