I'll Make You Famous…




Molly Ringwald’s Mom Ass Eats Pants for Old Times of the Day

Molly Ringwald wasn’t hot in the John Hughes 80s movies she’s known for…and she sure as hell isn’t hot now…but for some reason…I am compelled to post these pictures of her celebrating her washed up career in the form of jacking some sweat pants up her ass like a bitch who has finally given up….I don’t know why but the tormented needy actress who relies on her cult status from 30 years ago to feel wanted, needed, important, of value….wearing sloppy clothes like she’s virtually given up all hope….and if it wasn’t for the love her number one fan who met her in a hotel bar drinking her face off, and who decided to marry her to have a funny story to tell his friends….she’d have nothing to live for…leaving her with no choice but to kill herself in a glamour-less one bedroom apartment cuz it is all she can afford…at least that’s my take on this….

Posted in:Molly Ringwald