I'll Make You Famous…




Lindsay Lohan’s Smart Hair Move of the Day

Here’s some obnoxious fake British accent making some commentary on some pictures I am not allowed to post, complete with obnoxious jokes, unfounded assumptions, overall low quality coverage….but luckily, with the help of the mute button, I am capable of focusing on the core of what really matters here and that is that Lohan is going to win a fucking Oscar….all you idiots just keep trying to bring her down…laugh at her cuz you would rather do that than focus on your own shitty lives staying in on a Saturday night to watch her….while she’s not staying in to watch you…if you know what I mean…and that is that she’s a fucking superstar and I want to get her pregnant at least now I do as her cheeks swelling goes down and her shitty whore hair gets a little more normal….

This is my Leave Lohan alone post like I was that tranny Chris Cocker and she was Britney.

She’s only 25 motherfuckers. I don’t even remember being 25. I was a fucking mess and look at me now….running the internet in my own delusions….

Give her a fucking break. She’s hot. More importantly…she’s Lindsay fucking Lohan…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan