I'll Make You Famous…




Azealia Banks in her Underwear of the Day

Azealia Banks is some hipster party rapper who works with people like Diplo….trying to be the next Rihanna/Nicki Minaj/Katy Perry and the funny thing about her isn’t that her dad died when she was two, even though I like black girls raised in single parent households, it’s so rare to find….the funny thing about her is that she lived in Montreal, which is where I live and I woulda totally fucked her if black girls liked me more than enough to not spit in my face, laugh in my face, or call me a racist….more importantly I woulda fucked her if I knew she was gonna be famous, cuz the herpes would have kept us bonded forever….I’m a fame whore like that….like K-Fed, I just want the good life and would jump on all opportunities that present themselves….

Anyway, she’s posing in some underwear and I’m posting it.

Posted in:Azealia Banks