I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus in Panties for a Music Video of the Day

I don’t know why Miley is taking pics of herself in her panties, I am just glad that she is, you see cuz she’s on some no carb diet and does pilates, and is 19 or 20, and that makes for a pretty amazing combination of reasons I want to see her in her fucking panties……The rumor is that this is all part of her new video, which I guess is also part of her new look, a look I would like to endorse and high five, but as far as I’m concerned, she might as well be doing this for me…cuz right now….nothing else matters…..I’m such a romantic, I wish I could trap this and keep it in a cage in my basement so that the love never escapes….so much passion all brought on by white panties…Miley may not be the future, but she is the righ now.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus