I'll Make You Famous…




Kristen Stewart Tits in On the Road of the Day

There are rumors going around that Kristen Stewart got breast implants, and the real issue in the whole thing is that people actually care about Kristen Stewart’s breasts, because let’s face it she’s average at best, and most girls with uneventful tits like Kristen Stewart, always end up getting implants, they just do the expensive kind that give them a little more natural look, instead of some shit that looks like tennis balls, and really, I have no idea if her tits are the real ones or the fake ones in this scene, they look real to me and if they are fake, they were a huge waste of money…

This is a new movie that I will see and probably won’t get shot at, because it comes with little hype, few line-ups on opening night, no midnight showings, and people who see these kinds of movies aren’t usually in costume, freaky fan boys who play too many videogames and have too much anger cuz no girl will fuck them….

This is her attempt to separate herself from that world, you know to go from blockbuster star to actual actor while she’s at the top, even though she can’t act…..but she can get topless and that’s all movies are good for anyway…..and here is the evidence….

Posted in:Kristen Stewart|NSFW