Celebrity gossip is like the WWF….with a little less man on man…homo action…and a lot less authenticity…..
So this Rihanna dating her abuser Chris Brown is all crafted by PR teams, because ghetto kids from remote islands who people have millions of dollars invested in, are not allowed to make their own decisions..it is a fabricated uninteresting lie that people love reading about for some pathetic reason….
Who cares about her and Chris Brown…whether he actually beat her…when she’s forgiven him…and whether she is unapologetic for turning her back on all her supporters who stood by her during her abused days….and related to her during her abused days…only for her to give them the finger cuz she got what she wanted out of them….
It is all bullshit….I just do it for the tits….tits she should be apologetic for not showing off…..with nipple….and all…but like everything else about her…it is all lies…
Posted in:Rihanna