Today’s stepGIRL can be found on INSTAGRAM
Daylight saving time kicked my ass…I don’t need to save daylight…but the government thinks I do…and they make control everything…maybe I’m just beat up because I am dying on the inside….thanks to hard living and a diet built around ramen noodles and canned beans and whiskey….I’m a modern day cowboy without all that brokeback mountain shit….searching the fields of life for the pussy…always coming up empty handed… Here are some stepLINKS for the most tired morning of the year….
Kim Kardashian Washes her Face in Blood Because She is the Illuminati
Adriana Lima on a Bike Giving Boners.
Michael Cera and Sarah Silverman Team Up for Youtube
15 Year Old Sings Rihanna
This Week in WTF Pics
Burning Everyday Things with teh Sun
Climber Survives a 100 Foot Fall
Free Cam Girls Getting Naked Like Cam Girls….Cuz It’s Easier Than Stripping…at a Strip Club
Posted in:stepLINKS