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Game of Thrones Screencaps of the Day

I don’t watch Game of Thrones. That whole scifi/fantasy shit has made me uncomfortable since High School, when I’d walk by the nerds in the Sci/Fi Fantasy club interacting with their own kind in the most socially awkward way.

Not that being a loner is that much better, I mean at least they found people they can trade nerd secrets with, establish a bond that lasts for a lifetime, filled with conventions, cosplay and going to war in the park on weekends, it just makes me uncomfortable, especially when nerd guys and nerd girls link up and discuss how awesome their apartment is going to be with the video game/Magic the Gathering room they are going to be setting up.

You know what I mean, it’s like I don’t care that shit exists, I’m glad for them that they found each other to bond over the shit, but I just can’t take wizards, dragons and all that shit seriously. It doesn’t exist, my brain can’t get into it,if anything I find it stupider than XENA, but these screenshots from the latest Game of Thrones are awesome, because I don’t have to listen to the bullshit and I can focus on what matters, contortionist ass contortionized.

Posted in:HBOobs