I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez Has a New Video of the Day

14 hours ago…Selena Gomez, Disney Star and Beard to Bieber who may actually let Bieber tween dick inside her Disney stained vagina….released a new video for a song called Come & Get It….that you probably won’t want to watch because you’re a grown man, and that you probably won’t want to listen to because you have ears.

So I watched it, and the complex lyrics like “Nah nah nah nah, eh eh eh eh”, with a little auto tune while she’s all wet, made up, pulling a Britney and offending cultures across the globe….will blow your mind..

But I’m more into all the push up bra cleavage shots….even if I am not into Selena Gomez, her downs semi-retarded chipmunk looks…or her music career and money making schemes….in any fucking way….

Here are some pics of her in InStyle…

Posted in:Selena Gomez