I'll Make You Famous…




Valerie van der Graaf for Elle Serbia of the Day

I think this Valerie van der Graaf is a better version of Kate Upton and not just because they model for the same bikini company…but because her face has the same effect, her tits are as sloppy and her body doesn’t seem like it’s been eating for the last 6 months preparing for hibernation.

She’s from the Netherlands, which means if things had gone my way, she’d be a legal prostitute in the red light district, but since nothing goes my way, she’s just showing off her hot body for money, instead of having sex with random passerbys for money….

I guess what we’ve learned her today kids, is that everyone is a hooker, it’s just a matter of price as to whether you penetrate them or just get them half naked…..and when they look like this, that’s a good thing.

Posted in:Valerie van der Graaf