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Breast Feeding Mom in Texas Brings the Top 5 Breast Feeding Videos of the Day

Apparently this woman did what nature told her and pulled out her titty and started feeding her baby in public and conveniently had her husband film the shit, because clearly she was trying to cause a stink and make a point for the internet, because she knew legally she was allowed to nurse her child covered or uncovered, because she’s obviously one of those annoying moms who feels like it is her higher duty to break down convention and the conservative people of the world by pulling her tit out in public…

Don’t get me wrong. breast feeding can be hot, especially if I am the one being fed, but for the most part every public breast feeder I’ve seen has been some lesbian looking bitch who only had a kid thanks to a sperm donor.

I also love tits and any people willing to post tits in pictures on the internet to prove a point, is a friend of mine…except when those tits are covered up in the video and all we see is her fucking back…

I mean I don’t think I’ve ever hated a bitch with her tit pulled out of her shirt as I do right now.

She should do something like matters like shut her bratty kids up and shoot some porn.

Or maybe she should respect the rules of the establishment and have her titty sucked in the streets not a private store.

I feel like these assholes talked about this until it was annoying, and are probably still talking about it, so to celebrate the porn that is breast feeding, for perverts like me, here are the Top 5 breast feeding videos on Youtube..

1- HOW TO BREASTFEED TWINS – VERY INFORMATIVE!! Fast Forward to the 4 minute mark…

2- At 40 Seconds a Nipple Gets Milked….

3- Some Girl Milking Herself

4- Big Titties in a Bikini Breast Feeding

5 Some Great Tits Milking Herself – Good Job Ana Garcia

Posted in:Videos