I'll Make You Famous…




Scarlett Johansson in a Bra of the DAy

Scarlett Johansson is a sloppy ditch pig who has always been seriously overrated when it comes to her looks and acting capabilities…so it makes me wonder why they would showcase her half naked…dumpy body…that even at 20 was tight or awesome…in a bra in the trailer of some shitty movie…but it happened motherfuckers…it happened and this is the screenshot of it…not very exciting to me, probably very exciting to Scarlett Johansson fans…and I guess that’s what they are riding on…you know milk this cow like the cow she is until it’s too late and you have to put her to pasture…a day that is coming soon…but not soon enough…or as soon as you’re going to come to these pics..you strange strange pervert who can’t let go of the past…yes I am talking to you Ryan Reynolds…stop reliving the ex wife, you have your own pics of her in your private folder on your computer to fap to for old times….

Here is the trailer…

Posted in:Scarlett Johansson