I'll Make You Famous…




Ripped 64 Year Old of the Day

Here you go fat people…mainly fat chicks who blame their metabolism or medication or being a mom for their horrible bodies…instead of blaming giving the fuck up…because giving the fuck up or at least admitting you gave the fuck off isn’t as good as pretending your body is beyond your control…cuz this dude is fucking old and ripped and even if he’s on testosterone…he fucking kills it…and I think it should inspire all you fat fucks to stop eating those donuts and to do a few sit-ups…myself included…but these donuts are so good…I’ll just let this psycho freak of nature prove us all wrong while I slowly eat my feelings and hate myself into diabetic shock….

I’d say I want to see the 64 year old women version of this…but no matter what you do…64 year old vagina is still like sheets on the clothes line blowing in the wind on a brisk fall day…so we’ll stick to homie…

If you don’t like that – here’s some Russian Fight Club

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