Brooklyn Decker was at one point the Kate Upton of her generation…
Fat, sloppy tits, overrated, with sloppy tits…and like Kate Upton she leveraged her boyfriend, situation, and all that to get into Sports illustrated, to book campaigns and to even land some movie roles, and a rich Husband who is is rich enough to cover the costs of a good life thanks to being a pro tennis player…
But I guess it was good for his ego, that his girl’s tits were celebrated because they were big…good job bro…and what no lone noticed while she distracted you in a bikini, but that is hard to ignore now that she’s in a dress, is this fucking mole on her neck…it’s some distracting shit you’d think she’d get removed while at her BOTOX appointment…but that I think she thinks makes her look natural…and it’s bad.
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Posted in:Brooklyn Decker