I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus Annoying Dance Party of the DAy

Miley Cyrus is one of the girls you’d punch in the face if you were allowed to punch a girl in the face because she’s got one of those faces, but legally, you can’t punch anybody in the face, even if what they do to you is far worse than you punching them in the face….I’m talking a girl can cheat on you, divorce you and take half your money and your soul with her, causing emotional damage, that leads to you unable to work, causing you to go bankrupt…destroying you…yet when you beat the fuck out of the guy she fucked you over for, you go to jail…

Life’s not fair…not because Miley did any of those things, but because she exists and can’t be punished, and never was punished, but was just celebrated because she made everyone around her too much money…

Here’s her annoying dance you wish ended in a drug overdose heart attack:

And Here it is in Slow motion

I like this Miley better….

Posted in:Miley Cyrus