I'll Make You Famous…




Dana Wright Modelling American Apparel of the Day

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I am friends with Dana Wright, like she wouldn’t invite me to her wedding, even though we’ve had glorious conversations at least once or twice, and I felt a love connection, you know connected at the soul connection…

Unfortunately, our love was cut short, because her friend cockblocked , when finding out I was DrunkenStepfather and that apparently made me the fucking enemy to the faux feminists of the world…who claim they are feminists but don’t really grasp real feminism since they are 18 and stupid…

But apparently I am the anti feminist enemy…even though I celebrate women every fucking day, either by lusting after their nude pics or by making fun of the bitches who give the everyday girl unrealistic expectations for themselves…You know the anorexic girls the media uses to make you girls hate yourself…enough for me to swoop in and have my way with you by promising you the same level of fame…even though I have no ability to make you famous silly, I just say that for nudes…

I am on your side feminists, we are one, I love pussy as much as your dyke ass does, and if you are too stupid to realize that…there’s not much I can do…but masturabte to Dana Wright…partially because she’s an American Apparel model, from Canada, in American Apparel, showing nipple…but mainly because I’ve met her, have her number, and she get ignored by her daily, making her nipple far more of a personal experience than other girls I haven’t met showing nipple…

Either way, what a babe.

Posted in:Dana Wright