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Archive for the Dana Wright Category




Dana Wright is My Naked Friend of the Day


Dana Wright is a babe…she’s also an internet friend of mine from Canada, but living all over the place, because that’s just how these girls work in this global economy…they are just flying all over the place…

She started with American Apparel, being their in-house model, who I assume lived with Dov Charney, before American Apparel went bankrupt…where he would take pics of her in their various naked and half naked outfits…then she got into music…where she’s making songs…and I think she’s tall, sexy as fuck and amazing…so I am glad to see these nude pics..

The only thing I don’t like about her is that her circle of lame as fuck but think they are cool friends….They are a group of these new age, period blood art making, hipster feminist phonies, who think they are the zeitgeist or voice of the generation, because that’s how egotistical they are….they are so fucking vain, self involved, narcissists, no worse that the whores instagram modeling they accuse people of objectifying…the kind of “I’m in abuse porn because it empowers women fem nazi”…that doesn’t get it…but tries so hard she won’t shut up about it…and not quite cute enough to be nude models, that still gets nude because of Feminism…and they go on these campaigns, or rampages like “my pubic hair got banned from instagram”….social climbing cunt. trying to be shocking, but being boring…thinking they have a higher purpose thanks to one misguided women’s study class, but are just as thirsty as a video vixen whore….they are Amber fucking Rose…who groupie on every important person they meet…and that they do meet because their rich lawyer father paid their life in NYC, to get them the fuck out of the house because they are annoying….so annoying that they social climb, because people who let social climbers around…are just bored and find it entertaining….and in humoring them…they are creating them….fuck these social justice idiots…who are exactly the same as what they pretend to fight…because when you have a stance people pay more attention to you…especially when you’re ugly…

So other that Dana being friends with the weird looking social climing girl who wanted to be famous so bad and feminist was the platform to get her there…even if she was anything buy feminist…and everything annoying…so they published her to shut her up..

But other than that…she’s amazing….and I’d love to take her virginity…I just don’t have a fucking time machine…

This is for CLICK HERE

Posted in:Dana Wright




Dana Wright for Some Campaign of the Day

I was happy to see these pictures of Dana Wright on the internet – posing for some hipster looking Purple Magazine published campaign shot by some little asian artist chick – probably on film – as that is what differentiates the instagram photographers – and the instagram photographers with a scanner.

Funny enough, Dana Wright is one of the few models I post about who I actually know. I think I’ve hung out with her once or twice..maybe even 3 times. At the time, she was the American Apparel house model – traveling the world posing in their Hipster take on The Gap…and from what I remember, she’s dark, she’s funny, she’s tall, skinny and hot…and she wouldn’t have sex with..they never have sex with me…but I feel like I’ve won…because I just had sex with her.

Posted in:Dana Wright




Dana Wright Modelling American Apparel of the Day

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I am friends with Dana Wright, like she wouldn’t invite me to her wedding, even though we’ve had glorious conversations at least once or twice, and I felt a love connection, you know connected at the soul connection…

Unfortunately, our love was cut short, because her friend cockblocked , when finding out I was DrunkenStepfather and that apparently made me the fucking enemy to the faux feminists of the world…who claim they are feminists but don’t really grasp real feminism since they are 18 and stupid…

But apparently I am the anti feminist enemy…even though I celebrate women every fucking day, either by lusting after their nude pics or by making fun of the bitches who give the everyday girl unrealistic expectations for themselves…You know the anorexic girls the media uses to make you girls hate yourself…enough for me to swoop in and have my way with you by promising you the same level of fame…even though I have no ability to make you famous silly, I just say that for nudes…

I am on your side feminists, we are one, I love pussy as much as your dyke ass does, and if you are too stupid to realize that…there’s not much I can do…but masturabte to Dana Wright…partially because she’s an American Apparel model, from Canada, in American Apparel, showing nipple…but mainly because I’ve met her, have her number, and she get ignored by her daily, making her nipple far more of a personal experience than other girls I haven’t met showing nipple…

Either way, what a babe.

Posted in:Dana Wright




Dana Wright Hot and Grimy for American Apparel of the Day

Dana Wright is my friend…

I’ve met her on at least two different occasions. We have each other’s numbers. We are on each other’s facebook and I like to think we hit it off in a way that was on some higher level spiritual shit…I am talking soul mate shit that will involve me being invited to all her birthday parties, weddings, abortions, all night dance parties…and naps…maybe she’ll even let me watch her have sex, both anal or vaginal, protected or unprotected, with scrubby hipster dudes and people in bands a like…because that’s what friends who met twice do…and even if it doesn’t happen…I have her grimy unphotoshopped American Apparel pics…that are raw as fuck…and totally representative of how dirty she can get…but not as representative of how dolled up and glamorous she can get…but still fucking perfect enough to jerk off to…

I am a fan. I would like her autograph. Via a glory hole….with her cum dripping off my face…that stains my shirt…so I never forget.

Posted in:Dana Wright




Dana Wright for Terry Richardson of the Day

I would say that it amazes me that low level models go to Terry’s studio to let him take pics of them, but girls are groupies and they all want to be models and know that he’s the biggest fashion photographer around, making him into some kind of icon, that they need to fuck just for the possible chance he’ll link them up to better gigs…it’s like “of course I’ll get naked for Terry, how could I say no, he’s so important”….even if they wind up getting HIV positive out of it, it may be the most strategic HIV they get…career-wise.

The fact is that he’s a pervert with an ego, which I guess makes him a creep. He took pics as a reason to get girls to dirty things in the first place, now he’s a millionaire cuz of it, and instead of trying to trick bitches into it, they just come to him…he’s got the best scam going…but he should try to pull hotter bitches..this Dana chick is average at best.

Posted in:Dana Wright|NSFW