I'll Make You Famous…




Emily Didonato and Some Nipple for V Magazine of the Day

Her name is Emily Didonato. She is a model. She is probably best known for having sex with Jake Gyllenhaal, which like pregnancy, or herpes and AIDS, is up there with ultimate Sex Fails. You know the kind of thing that follows you through life, that tells the world that you’re a groupie, because anyone who knows Jake Gyllenhaal will tell you he’s the biggest, spoiled brat, 12 year in a grown man’s body around. This fucking probably cries himself to sleep because other male celebs win awards when he doesn’t. He is the definition of bitch, and the only reason any girl is with him, is for her career…making Emily DiDonato and her Gyllenhaal semen stains a lot less appealing, and the only salvation she has is the fact the Jake is more into having dick inside him, than putting dick inside her, or any girl for that matter…..

That said…here she is all sexy and romantic for V magazine…when I ignore her sexual past, she’s awesome.

Posted in:Emily DiDonato