I'll Make You Famous…




Samantha Gradoville for Transmission #3 by Dylan Forsber of the Day

Her name is Samantha Gradoville and she is an American model, unlike the entire Roster of Victoria’s Secret, unless you count Lily Aldridge and the other one who isn’t from Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Australia or Brazil.

She’s been NAKED FOR FASHION , which is code for she’s got naked for a photographer who had some connections with either a magazine or a client and who would only shoot her if she got naked, because that’s how girls break into the industry and she obviously wants to break into the industry, otherwise she wouldn’t be getting naked in pictures for what I assume is free, because people who get naked in pictures usually do it for money unless of course it’s to get herself to the next level…and in a lot of ways that is commendable because her tits are awesome and she’s putting in the good fight for some good old fashioned american pride….taking back the jobs these companies outsourced….

So now do your part and look at her big tit.

Posted in:Samantha Gradoville