I'll Make You Famous…




Luma Grothe for PULP Magazine of the Day

Her name is Luma Grothe, but she’s not Grothe at all…that was one of the worst Mike Tyson Lisp Memes I’ve participated – but only because it’s the only one. I would say I am better than this. But I am absolutely not. Sure everything I write is some level of absolute genius to me, but being a failure – maybe genius to me isn’t actual genius. You know like a busker playing his homemade guitar who thinks he would have been Bob Dylan if he had just been in New York, delusions that keep the world going…otherwise we’d all just kill ourselves..but I like to think the real thing that keeps the world going is girls like this Luma Grothe, who are magical and amazing to look at, despite their weirdo immigrant names…because you know if you work towards making billions of dollars…you’ll have an army of these girls on payroll and if that doesn’t motivate you, maybe her hot body will to at least get a semi as foreplay to sex your fat wife is going to make you have because Tuesday is sex night…Luma serving her purpose…

Posted in:Luma Grothe