Kendall Jenner’s christmas in lingerie dancing to shitty music for THE LOVE MAGAZINE ADVENT CALENDAR …that you know they don’t give a fuck about casting Kendall Jenner, other than the fact that she’s super fucking famous and that she will market the fuck out of this Santa in lingerie performance, because it adds legitimacy to her modelling career, and legitimacy is all she craves, seeing as for the rest of her life she will always be in the shadow of her sister’s fat ass, because her ass is so fucking big, she can’t help it, and because…that’s just what her career is based on…even if she has a different name….
All this to say, I’ll watch any 18+ year old dancing sexy for Christmas, because I like to think that’s what Christmas is all about….the sex.
Isn’t that what it says in the bible? When you realize that Mary wasn’t a virgin and that Jesus is in fact a bastard baby porn in a shed…
Not that it matters…because nothing matters…especially not this..
Posted in:Kendall Jenner