I'll Make You Famous…




Emily Ratajkowski Whores Out Proper of the Day


I don’t know if this is a picture of Emily Rat Cow…but the rumor is that she posted it during the Mayweather fight, I guess to see if anyone was paying attention to her, as she probably wants everyone to pay attention to her, even though she’s a virtual nobody, I mean she’s got instagram followers, but who gives a fuck about instragram followers, sure the whole world gives a fuck about instagram followers, but in the grand scheme of things, she’s the girl showing her pussy to a group of boys so that they like her…

And they like her…they pay her…and playing this off as as some kind of joke is fine, but it is obviously lessof a joke and more of a cry for attention, a very desperate cry for attention, because when you’re a one trick pony…or better yet a one trick trick…who’s face isn’t all that special, but who’s body is banging and has been banged…and will continue to be baned…to get work..you do all that you know, or all that you’ve had success with..

The good news for us, is the bad news for her, an that is that she’s oversaturated, her 5 minutes are up, and the only way out is sex tape…

You know it’s gonna happen…we’ve seen girls like this 100 times before..and I just hope she does it with Kanye, someone she’s rumored to still be fucking, according to a girl I know who sold Kanye pants in London…

All this to say…it’s just a naked girl…there are a million girls…who cares about this particular one…and I hope when it all ends…she realizes she just doens’t matter…based on this hustle…I think she realizes she just doesn’t matter…

Maybe she should be friendlier to people…

Turns out it is fake….


Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski