This video is called – Fertility Cult as/is NOT A “CHILL” GIRL…it is laughable…
You may not know what a fertility cult is….But you know these annoying, intellectual, take themselves too damn seriously in a quest for change in the inequality of the world, because they have nothing better to do, so they do it topless and in underwear in run down lofts for their likeminded, usually college aged friends…in what is so obviously stupid, pointless, but you know the person running it things this is some higher message that needs to be said…it’s just fucking laughable…
This what they wrote about it on YOUTUBE…obviously the artist statement is a fucking novel of nonsense…these people like to talk…..be heard and apparently play the recorder topless on stage covered in period blood…
I am going to assume this took all of 4 minutes to put together…with a 10-15 dollar budget…and if people are out there encouraging this as a practical approach to feminism…or equality in the patriarchy…without realizing this girl is a hack…you’re an idiot..
This piece was performed at Bohemian Grove for the 1st, of hopefully many!, Goddess Parties on Oct 7th 2015. Not a Chill Girl is a continuation of Fertility Cult that attempts to destroy the seperatness of body-music body-emotions private-public ritual-performance narrative-scripture and the taxonimization of ways we move through the world and the inter dimensions . These are MaMa musicals, MaMa as a methodology of sublimating and transcending, transmuting fathers, gods, masculinity and our subordination to them through a total embrace of the repressed irrational divine chaotic (as in the everything is) feminine.
There’s more….because they don’t know how to shut up..
This piece specifically was a public healing of my own subordination to the Manopticon (the male gaze, public approval, the haunting chains of truama) in a public setting which defies western psychiatric notions of when and where the proper place to process our shit is (conceivably inside a doctors office, or in the rewired neurons in our brain via pills and ECT and not in the basement of a show house in new york city) and how to do it which is a methodology of She-manic De-maning. Through reconnecting to myself i am more capable to reconnect to others and so i call to all other Chaotic Witches who bring love into death aka NOT CHILL GIRLS so that we can all heal together and destroy patriarchal alienation from our magic which is everything.
This is amazing….
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