I'll Make You Famous…




Elle Brittain Big Porn Tits Pretend To Not Be Porn Tits of the Day


Elle Brittain is some awkward faced, awkward shaped, instagram model who is bulging out of her bathing suit bottoms as her huge tits start to sag and the rest of her catch up to her tits…it’s what happens when a girl destined to be chubby – all hormonal based on her tits – gets a little older and eats a little more – thanks to the lack of pressure of being skinny in this no body shaming world…own your fat, it’s a good angle to get famous and has worked for so many cunts…

That’s not to say this dirty hipster instagram model who gets naked – but is not a pornstar, but rather an artist who owns her body and who’s artform is ridiculous standing in front of a camera – but she’s in an empty pool – that’s high concept and representative of the emptiness our society feels through social media – superficially amazing but dive in and you’ll break you’re fucking neck…and people jerk off to her just the same…isn’t hot…if she wasn’t hot…I wouldn’t be posting her pics and fantasizing about feeding her as many hot dogs as I can until she throws up…FEEDER FETISH…

I can’t keep up with all these instagram stars, some aren’t even stars, there are just too fucking many of them and they are all worth fucking or jerking off to like Amateur pornstars. It’s ridiculous…and about to get more ridiculous – I saw Instagram is starting “stories that will live on your profile for 24 hours”…yeah snapchatting instagram. Garbage…these people never end…

Posted in:Elle Brittain