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Kourtney Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian in a Bathing Suits of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian was recently in a bathing… she was the cuter Kardashian when they were first branding themselves, and I hate saying that any of these monsters are anything interesting – or good…but comparatively – she was the one that fucked white guys…but she’s an old mom now, and cute has become totally uninteresting – and more importantly just another one we want to throw into the fucking fire pit where the rest of these idiots belong…

What is interesting – is the rebuilt Khloe Kardashian, the monster Kardashian, who has done a little fitness and a lot of plastic surgery – which is nothing abnormal for the family, they must have an in house dude – as this ass – is not her ass, it’s not even her dad OJ Simpson’s genetics…it’s all ass injections – clown ass – and the sickest thing about this disgusting creature is that young girls, 18 year old girls – follow her fucking lead…it’s so twisted…the world…is so twisted…so stupid looking – but black dudes love it…and that’s all that matters to her deep cunt.

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|SFW