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Lea Michele Seductive Genderless Dude of the Day

Lea Michele Seductive Genderless Dude

Lea Michele Gellar may be a dude, but as we know with this gender neutral society, that means nothing, and that if she dresses like a woman, we must accept her as a woman, and objectify her as a woman, and jerk off to her as if she’s a woman, otherwise we are not being inclusive or decent human beings, we must let the dude pretend he’s a woman, and sexualize himself as a woman, with her leggings on…like a normal girl..

Remember when her boyfriend, the homosexual, was lead to killing himself because he had to pretend he was banging this dude, and she didn’t even care…she tried her best to act her way through it…but we could see through the lies…I liked that about her, you know pure emotionless psychopath…

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW