Maria Kanellis is supposed to be some WWE girl. The name sounds familiar but I am a grown up and I haven’t watched wrestling since I was 10 years old…but I know that grown men do watch wrestling….usually weird chronic masturbating people or Italians…but the events get sold out, the girls used to make the whole thing seem less homo trashy….like porn chicks who don’t do porn….except on their iphones…because this is apparently one of the female wrestlers named Maria Kanellis-Bennett’s asshole.
I really have no way of proving it is her, it is probably not her, but her celebrity is so obscure that I can’t imagine anyone would fake it, but I guess that’s not giving weird wrestling dudes any credit for their weird wrestling fetishes…because you have to be something else to be into wrestling…but I figure you can be any dude to appreciate asshole…whether it’s a WWE chick or random…it’s asshole…the gateway to a woman’s soul…
Posted in:Maria Kanellis